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TTT: Unread Books on My Shelves I Want to Read Soon

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post created by  The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This is my first Top Ten Tuesday entry and as a fellow lover of lists, I am so excited! This post might hold me accountable. Not sure I will get to these this year but I’d like to get to them soon. I have tried adding books that I have had on my shelves for forever, which means around 10 years.

I see a lot of posts and videos where other readers talk about books that they have had for ages and then it turns out they bought it 1 or 2 years ago, so I wanted to make that distinction. Nothing against those people, on the contrary, I am really impressed if that’s a long time for them, because some of my books have grown up with me.

Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz

I have read Blue Bloods, and I even got Masquerade from the library, but the other books were not available so I did not contiue. That was a trend back then, and the same thing applies for all the series I have started from the list.

Flirting in Italian by Lauren Henderson

I own two Lauren Henderson books: Flirting in Italian and Kiss Me Kill Me. I have read the second one, but as it was the case back then, I did not continue because I did not have the rest of the books. I added Flirting in Italian in my 2024 TBR because it’s only 2 books, but I still have not picked it up.

Glass Houses by Rachel Caine

You will see that with most of these I started the series but I never finished them. In this case, I read 3 books but since I did not own the others, I could not continue. Glass Houses came out in 2006, I did not buy it immediately but I know it has been a long time.

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

I remember reading Hush Hush when it came out and lending it to my friends, yet I never continued with the series because, you guessed it, I did not get the rest of the books. It is also one of those books that got optioned for a movie and though it still has not happened, who knows anymore, a lot of these older projects are coming back.

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

There was a time where I was up to date with Riordan’s books, but then I quickly fell behind. I have read both Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles, so this is the next step. I own the 5 books, so I should get to them. I even added The Lost Hero to the yearly TBR.

Matched by Ally Condie

I read the first two books in the trilogy, but then I got Reached some years later, so I have not owned it for 10 or so years, maybe 5, but I have owned Matched and Crossed since they came out, if not a couple years later, and they were released in 2010 and 2011 so I am counting them, especially since I intend to reread them.

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

I have read Lara Jean and Burn for Burn, and I also own The Summer trilogy. After the release of the tv show I said I would finally get to the books and I still have not started, but I plan to at least read The Summer I Turned Pretty this summer.

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

The first book, Uglies, was released 19 years ago! That’s a long time. I read the first 2 or 3 books but I did not read the last book, Specials. However, since the movie adaptation is coming this year (finally) I thought it was a great way to get back into the series and reread the first book. It is in my 24 books in 2024 list, so I will try reading it this year.

Wither by Lauren DeStefano

I have read the first book, Wither, which I got in Spanish in 2011, but then I did not continue with the trilogy. I remember getting book 2, Fever, in English in 2014, but I had forgotten most of book 1 by then so I did not continue. I would like to go back and finish the trilogy.

The Young Elites by Marie Lu

I think I bought this a couple years after it released, which was in 2014, but I am going to add it since I ended up buying the whole trilogy. I have only read the Legend series by Marie Lu, but I like her style so I want to read more of her books. Hopefully I will get to The Young Elites soon.

Some stats

  • I have started 5 of these series
  • 4 dystopians, 2 vampire books
  • 1 duology, 4 trilogies, 2 tetralogies, 3 series that are 4+ books
  • most of them got optioned for adaptations but only 3 have or are going to have one by this year

Have you read any of them? Which one should I start with?