Posted in TBR

May 2024 TBR💔🗡️👑♟️

I knew April was going to be a hard month for me, but it was worse than I expected. Initially, I planned to use that TBR for May as well, but since I barely touched any books, I thought that I could trytry adding a spin to it and only choosing books from titles that have been in previous TBRs but I could not get to (sadly, even if we are still in the first half of the year, there are more than you would expect). However, I decided agains it, I will save it for another month, and help myself as much as I can.

This month I will only get 4 prompts and I wil be happy reading 2 of them, since May will be a weird month as well. There will be no colour spin this month, since options are quite limited.

1: Highly anticipated💔

There are quite a few popular titles in my options for the month, and I am excited for all of them, however, Once Upon a Broken Heart stands out among all of them, not only because its high hype, but also because of how much I love the Caraval trilogy. Sadly, it is the one I am least likely to finish, just because I am so excited to read it that I need to properly focus and dedicate it the time it needs.

2: A character with powers🗡️

The Young Elites immediately came to my head because of Adelina, its main character, who has a mysterious gift. I guess I could have added OUABH here as well and there are a couple more that have a magical element.

3: with an epilogue👑

I thought more of my options would have an epilogue. For example, I assumed Seven Minutes in Heaven would have one, since the others in the series did and The Final Gambit, but what it does have is a “one year later” kind of chapter, which for me is similar to an epilogue, but I did not count it. Cross the Line has a “bonus” chapter, but it is not written as an epilogue. I almost went for The Cheat Sheet but then I remembered Royal Retelling releases in May, and I checked and it does have an epilogue. I was not happy adding it, since it will be an exception to my own rule for this month, but I need to read it.

4: starts with “the”♟️

I tried considering books I had mentioned before or lighter options, and I think The Final Gambit fits both. Since it has a mysterious element and I am familiar with the characters, hopefully that will play in my favour.

Here they are, my 4 picks for May. Obviously, I am excited for them, but I have no idea how the month will go. I have some ARCs, which I should have priorized, and other books I want to buddy read, but I will take it slow and see how it goes. Wish me luck!

Have you read any of these? Are you reading any of them this month as well?

Posted in wrap up

April 2024 Wrap Up

The month started with me having two books started, one my buddy read of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (14% in) and then Darker by Four (14% in), which I tried priorizing but I only got 50% in before its release, so I stupidly stopped reading it after getting mad at not getting to it on time.

April was a terrible month for me, and I barely read anything. It is not like I did not want to read, I was so excited about my TBR, but I just had too much. My buddy read of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes kind of saved it, as well as my night reading session of The Cousins. I read it in two nights, where I was so stressed I could not sleep.

Actually, I have a chapter left of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes but please ignore it and let me count it regardless. Any other month I would not, but I need a win.

I have also read the following comics books/manga:

  • Comics read: 7/24 (+0)
  • Comics not on my TBR: 43 (+26)

Do not judge me. I was very busy, but between work and other appointments, I was able to read a lot of manga. A chapter is the perfect lenght for me to read in between sessions. After starting Spy x Family last month, I knew I would be continuing, but I depended on copies. Then a friend recommended me Tomodachi Game which I loved and since I was sick and needed to procrastinate, I read all available volumes. I continued my buddy read of Alice in Borderland.

After seeing this, I thought to try to read 100 manga volumes this year. Can I do it?

Other posts:

And these are the books I am reading but did not finish during the month:

How did you do in April? Have you read any of these books?

Posted in manga review

Manga Reviews: Bless and True Beauty

I am bringing two new manga reviews that both deal with beauty and make-up. As I mentioned in both reviews, I am always intrigued by manga that focus on that, since I think it offers great potential, both in the story and the conversation it brings. From these two, I picked up True Beauty first, and because of the concept, I have just picked up Bless.

It is a great starting point, for characters to gain confidence through making and then slowly start loving themselves and realizing how special they are. Nowadays, beauty standars are impossible to meet and that puts a lot of pressure on young people.

Bless by Yukino Sonoyama

I am vain, whenever I see a manga dealing with looks or make-up, I am intrigued, and that is because I see its potential. I like to see characters gaining confidence, and a lot of the times it is their transformation that starts that. Plus, there might be a conversation about inner beauty and releasing your true self.

This volume was interesting because it is about two characters that come together to participate in a runway contest, one as the make-up artist and the other as the model. But it is about their feelings and lifes rather than the technical aspects about it. What makes it interesting is that it is the boy who does the make-up. I liked how they got thrown together, but I would have liked to see more of their preparation for the festival, but it was quite a short aspect and it serves as a starting ground for the manga.

I think the story will tackle their new career aspirations, Aia as a make-up artist and Jun as a model, and that is also intriguing. On the synopsis it seemed like Jun got quite bullied because she has freckles on her face, but we did not see much of that, she was just a quiet classmate, but their pasts might be brought up in further issues.

To sum up, I think it is a good introduction and even if it did not focus as much on what I wanted it to, seeing them embrace those new oportunities and exploring those lifestyles will surely be fun as well.

Why I started it: I saw it on Netgalley
Publication: volume 3 will release in Japanese this fall, volume 1 has just been released in English
My progress: I have only read 1 volume

True Beauty by Yaongyi

I was so intrigued to read this first volume; I never watched the kdrama (yet) but I do think the premise is very interesting and I have no idea about its premise moving forward, but I do think it is a great way to address beauty standards and the toll it takes on society and people’s mental health.

The style is very good, attractive and beautiful, and it reads like any typical webtoon, which is to say, it is very fast-paced and engaging, I read the first volume in no time, my hands kept scrolling, and I do think most people will feel the same way.

I am now very curious to both continue reading this webtoon but also start the adaptation when I’m done with it.

I do think this will attract a lot of people that watched the kdrama, as it was very popular, but apart from sharing the title, there is nothing to indicate it is the same thing, and even though I hate when books get covers from their adaptations, I think a little hint or removable sticker/jacket would have benefited both a lot.

I have completed the series this year and though it does not always focus on that ideal beauty and how that affects young people, it certainly is present throughout the whole series. I have also been surprised by how much I have enjoyed the secondary characters that appeared during the story and their weight on the story.

Why I started it: because of the kdrama I requested the ARC
Publication: all chapters are out, however, there are only 4 physical English volumes out. The 5th will release this fall
Adaptation: a 2020 kdrama adaptation was released, which was very popular. An animated series is supposed to release this year as well
My progress: I have finished it this year. I haven’t watched the adaptation yet.

Have you read or heard about them before? Do you like these aspects in manga?

Posted in ttt

TTT: Unread Books on My Shelves I Want to Read Soon

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post created by  The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This is my first Top Ten Tuesday entry and as a fellow lover of lists, I am so excited! This post might hold me accountable. Not sure I will get to these this year but I’d like to get to them soon. I have tried adding books that I have had on my shelves for forever, which means around 10 years.

I see a lot of posts and videos where other readers talk about books that they have had for ages and then it turns out they bought it 1 or 2 years ago, so I wanted to make that distinction. Nothing against those people, on the contrary, I am really impressed if that’s a long time for them, because some of my books have grown up with me.

Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz

I have read Blue Bloods, and I even got Masquerade from the library, but the other books were not available so I did not contiue. That was a trend back then, and the same thing applies for all the series I have started from the list.

Flirting in Italian by Lauren Henderson

I own two Lauren Henderson books: Flirting in Italian and Kiss Me Kill Me. I have read the second one, but as it was the case back then, I did not continue because I did not have the rest of the books. I added Flirting in Italian in my 2024 TBR because it’s only 2 books, but I still have not picked it up.

Glass Houses by Rachel Caine

You will see that with most of these I started the series but I never finished them. In this case, I read 3 books but since I did not own the others, I could not continue. Glass Houses came out in 2006, I did not buy it immediately but I know it has been a long time.

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

I remember reading Hush Hush when it came out and lending it to my friends, yet I never continued with the series because, you guessed it, I did not get the rest of the books. It is also one of those books that got optioned for a movie and though it still has not happened, who knows anymore, a lot of these older projects are coming back.

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

There was a time where I was up to date with Riordan’s books, but then I quickly fell behind. I have read both Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles, so this is the next step. I own the 5 books, so I should get to them. I even added The Lost Hero to the yearly TBR.

Matched by Ally Condie

I read the first two books in the trilogy, but then I got Reached some years later, so I have not owned it for 10 or so years, maybe 5, but I have owned Matched and Crossed since they came out, if not a couple years later, and they were released in 2010 and 2011 so I am counting them, especially since I intend to reread them.

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

I have read Lara Jean and Burn for Burn, and I also own The Summer trilogy. After the release of the tv show I said I would finally get to the books and I still have not started, but I plan to at least read The Summer I Turned Pretty this summer.

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

The first book, Uglies, was released 19 years ago! That’s a long time. I read the first 2 or 3 books but I did not read the last book, Specials. However, since the movie adaptation is coming this year (finally) I thought it was a great way to get back into the series and reread the first book. It is in my 24 books in 2024 list, so I will try reading it this year.

Wither by Lauren DeStefano

I have read the first book, Wither, which I got in Spanish in 2011, but then I did not continue with the trilogy. I remember getting book 2, Fever, in English in 2014, but I had forgotten most of book 1 by then so I did not continue. I would like to go back and finish the trilogy.

The Young Elites by Marie Lu

I think I bought this a couple years after it released, which was in 2014, but I am going to add it since I ended up buying the whole trilogy. I have only read the Legend series by Marie Lu, but I like her style so I want to read more of her books. Hopefully I will get to The Young Elites soon.

Some stats

  • I have started 5 of these series
  • 4 dystopians, 2 vampire books
  • 1 duology, 4 trilogies, 2 tetralogies, 3 series that are 4+ books
  • most of them got optioned for adaptations but only 3 have or are going to have one by this year

Have you read any of them? Which one should I start with?

Posted in Sin categoría

Reading Firsts of 2024 Book Tag

I have never done a tag before in the blog, but I love reading about them, especially when they are about books. Making lists is something I enjoy and a lot of people talk about their favourites or latest reads but I think it is also nice to talk about our other reads.

This tag was created by Tanya Patrice @Girlxoxo in 2021. I was not tagged but I saw the post on Allli @AlliTheBookGiraffe

First book read in 2024

I started the year amazingly with Spin the Dawn. I got the ARC on Netgalley before my huge and everlasting reading slump, so I could not read it in time. When that happens, I am always scared of going back, so it took me a while to read it, but I enjoyed the book way more than I thought I would. It’s one of my 2024 favourites.

First book reviewed in 2024

Originally published in 2019, The Beautiful had a new edition that came out last year so I managed to get an ARC. I remember everyone raving about vampires being back when the book was about to come out so I was curious. You can read my thoughts here.

First book by a debut author

I couldn’t find any. I thought one was a debut but it wasn’t.

First book by a new-to-me author

Spin the Dawn was actually the first, since it was my first read of 2024, but I did not want to repeat any of my books. The House Sitter, which I thought was a debut, was my second read.

First book that slayed me in 2024

I did not want to mention rereads (I added two), yet this is my only choice. The first time I read Finale I do not think I appreciated it enough, because of something that happened in Legendary, but this time I had a lot of fun and could truly enjoy it. Because of that, I lived everything that happened, which resulted in me feeling a lot of different things, even when I already knew what would occur.

First book of 2024 that I wish I could get back time spent reading

I enjoyed everything I have read so far this year so I will be cheating a bit and I am going to mention a manga I’ve marathoned in April. The only reason why I chose it is because I should not have read it, or I should not have read so many volumes (all the releases ones) when I had so much work. I thought that reading some chapters in between study sessions or work projects would be nice, but I just kept going. The manga is Tomodachi Game. It has a 2022 anime adaptation and a 2017 live action one. I wish they had continued, but I think they did not because of some storylines later on.

First five star of 2024

I find it super hard to rate books. Spin the Dawn was an amazing read, but like I said I did not want to repeat. The Inheritance Games was GREAT and I almost put this one but I will go for The Hunger Games, which I reread in February and I loved as much as in the past. Plus it was a buddy read, which made it more special.

Are you familiar with the books I have mentioned?

Posted in manga review

Manga Reviews: In the Clear Moonlit Dusk and She’s My Knight

Since I am reading so much manga lately and I want to continue and share my love for them, I thought I would start writing some reviews, even if they’re shorter.

There are a lot of titles I want to talk about, but I also have some old Netgalley manga reviews that I would like to share. I wanted to start with a couple of my favourites, but I still need to finish writing the review so I went for these two, given that I have recently continued reading the first one. If you read the synopsis (always linked in the titles) you will see why I grouped these two.

In the Clear Moonlit Dusk by Mika Yamamori

Yoi Takiguchi is not the typical girl, and no, it’s not in a corny way. She’s very tall, has a deep voice and her features are a bit masculine, which along with her charming and helpful personality have made her the Prince of the school. But there’s a new Prince and he is intrigued by her.

I have to say that while I appreciate when romances go straight to the point, and we don’t have to keep guessing whether someone is interested or not, the male lead went from mistaking Yoi for a boy to being obsessed with her. I have no idea if it was intentional or not, and while it’s common in these type of mangas, I still felt like I needed to point it out. That got better as the chapters progressed but it was too fast and too much at the start.

What I do love about this manga is the message it sends, both by having Yoi look as good and classy as she does despite what others consider a “boy” look, and not a convencional one for female protagonists in manga, and by having Ichimura, the male lead, show interest in her, and what that does to both her confidence and image. I hope the series continues to focus on that topic and conversations on self-image and identity.

The cover did not convince me much about the art style (they look like vampires) but it’s much prettier inside, at least in my opinion. Moreover, but especially the title, made me have a wrong idea about what this book was going to be about. Is that a reference to something? Why is it so mysterious?

Why I started: I got the ARC on Netgalley
Publication: as of April 2024, there are 7 Japanese volumes (the 8th coming this year). The 7th volume has just released in English this month
My progress: I am waiting to get the 7th volume

She’s My Knight by Saisou

This was really cute and a great spin on the genre!

Ichinose is a very popular student but he’s sometimes outstaged by Yuki and I have to say that I adored them both. He starts denying his feelings for her but he soon gets aware and flustered by them, and she’s so unaware of the effect she has both on Mogami and the rest of the school, which is really fun to see. She’s not the typical “she’s beautiful but relatable” main character, her charms come by her confidence and good-natured heart.

It is very entertaining to see them interact and Ichinose trying to charm her: first because he cannot accept she’s more popular than him but later him triyng to get her attention and, possibly, affection. Not only it’s very enjoyable, it is also a refreshing romance and a great take to see the boy fall in love first and pursue the girl in a shy and clumsy way instead of the other way around.

Why I started: I got an ARC on Netgalley
Publication: 3 volumes
My progress: I am missing the last volume

Have you heard about these two? Are you also reading them? Which manga should I talk about next?

Posted in wrap up

March 2024 Wrap Up

The month started with me having two books started, one my buddy read of Mockingjay (35% in) and then A Cursed Son (17% in). I focused on that last one, since it was releasing at the beginning of the month and I could not get to it in February.

I had two weeks where I barely even read. I was able to finish Mockingjay, but apart from that I was too busy and stressed that I couldn’t, so I picked up mostly webtoons and manga.

I started Darker by Four but because of all that work, I couldn’t focus. I had also started both Cross My Heart, Hope to Die and One of Us is Back and managed to finish them towards the end of the month, and they made my reading month salvageable. If not, I would only have read 2 books, both started prior to the beginning of the month.

I have also read the following comics books/manga:

  • Comics read: 7/24 (+2)
  • Comics not on my TBR: 17 (+12)

I wanted to start by continuing with Fruits Basket, which is a very comforting read but I managed to grab a copy of volume 1 of Spy x Family and I finished it without noticing, so I read the first 4 volumes. I tried pacing myself, which was prompted by me having to wait for the next volumes, but you bet I will be continuing in April. I did a sort of impromptu marathon of True Beauty in between study sessions or while on breaks, managing to finish the story this month. And then I got the next volume of And Yet You Are So Sweet available, so now it’s back to waiting for volume 9 to be released.

Here is a better break-down of the books I read, in order of completition:

And these are the books I am reading but did not finish during the month:

How did you do in March? Have you read any of these books?

Posted in reviews

Darker by Four by June C.L. Tan (ARC review)

Title: Darker by Four
Series: Darker by Four 1
Author: June C.L. Tan
Publisher: Hodderscape
Released: 2024
Genre: romance, fantasy, new adult
Tropes: enemies to lovers, fae, elemental magic, arranged marriage, force proximity, dream connection

A vengeful girl. A hollow boy. A missing god.

Rui has one goal in mind—honing her magic to avenge her mother’s death.

Yiran is the black sheep of an illustrious family. The world would be at his feet—had he been born with magic.

Nikai is a Reaper, serving the Fourth King of Hell. When his master disappears, the underworld begins to crumble…and the human world will be next if the King is not found.

When an accident causes Rui’s power to transfer to Yiran, everything turns upside down. Without her magic, Rui has no tool for vengeance. With it, Yiran finally feels like he belongs. That is, until Rui discovers she might hold the key to the missing death god and strikes a dangerous bargain with another King.

As darkness takes over, three paths intersect in the shadows. And three lives bound by fate must rise against destiny before the barrier between worlds falls and all Hell breaks loose—literally.

Warning: I have only read half the book. Due to the high volume of work and my studies, I could not finish the book before release date, but I felt like I needed to post something for its release. The review might be edited once I have finished

Magic. Mythology. Immortals. Deathly bargains. Of course I had to read it.

Even if the story is what drew me in, I was really intrigued by the characters, especially after the author released some info about them and the dynamics from the book.

The world building is simple yet interesting enough to catch your attention, by which I mean that it is a world quite similar to ours, which makes it easy to understand, yet with some fantastic and eerie twists, hence the intriguing part. There was an element that I kept wondering how it would connnect, making me guess and wonder throughout. Information was revealed and shared in due time, so it was easy to follow what was going on.

I liked Rui’s might and strength, and her introduction to the other characters was great, especially to Yiran. For some reason, I thought the trio already knew each other before the start of the book, but they didn’t, so when Rui and Yiran met for the first time, it was both surprising and fun for me. That dynamic, along with Zizi, is what made the book so enjoyable; their scenes together were amazing and I wanted them to keep interacting. My guess is that we are not supposed to like Yiran from the get go, but he called to me even from the beginning.

I was not sure how the predicament mentioned in the synopsis would happen, but I enjoy the dynamics that were brought up by it, as well as its circumstances. Following Rui throughout that process and seeing her discover more of her world and mythology was quite the journey. After all, normally main characters get the powers, not lose them, so it was a rather interesting twist.

Is the synopsis intriguing you to read it? Have you read any of the author’s other books?

Posted in TBR

April 2024 TBR ❌🐸🥀🗡️7️⃣🏎️♟️

Once again, my actual goal is to read 4 books. I was thinking that, since I am still studying as well as working, I might choose 5 prompts for books and 2 for manga in the next couple of months, but I am still unsure. I feel bad picking more prompts than what I am actually reading, making me feel like I am cheating or I cannot meet my goals. Let me know if there are any other changes you would like to see moving forward.

Now, onto my TBR:

1: young adult

Almost all my books are young adult, so this is basically a free pick. However, to make it fair, I went to the Goodreads YA tag, particularly the “most read” section, and based my options on those. I was not too strict, rather I got authors or series from there (it would have been thougher otherwise). I had some great picks, like Queen of Nothing, the first two books of A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder. The Hawthorne Legacy, A Curse for True Love and two Karen M. McManus titles. Given that the author appeared twice on the list with two different books, I went for The Cousins. I had read the two that were in there (One of Us is Next and Two Can Keep a Secret) so I just went for the next one I had not read. I really like reading mysteries, but I am always too scared so I like YA ones.

2: with the word “and” in the title🐸

Such a common word, yet only 1 of my 2024 hopefuls included it, and I have already read it. A couple of old eARCs had it, and I know a bunch of popular series have it as well but I could not think of a book I really wanted to read. I wish I could add The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, since I am buddy reading it, but I am going quite slow and I am not sure if I can make it for April. In the end Of Princes and Promises came into my head and while I was not that excited about it (for some reason, I am a bit scared about it) I decided to go for it.

3: one word title🥀

No books from my Spring TBR fit here, but I do have 5 in my 2024 list. However, 2 I have already read, 2 are buddy reads so I can’t read them yet and the last one I’m not in the mood for. Now should I go for a romance (my head was thinking Pumpkin‘ or Majesty) or fantasy/dystopia (like Cinder or Scythe)? After looking at my physical shelves, I chose Wither, since I own the first 2 books and I enjoyed it when I first read it. I have been meaning to reread, continue or pick up series from when I started reading, and this is one of them.

4: part of a trilogy🗡️

If I were optimistic, I would choose Fever, sequel to Wither, or Of Dreams and Destiny, last book in St. Rosetta’s Academy, but I know myself. I could choose other books mentioned here already, but I decided to go for The Young Elites. I really want to read it soon. Will I do it in April? Not sure, because of what I have mentioned in the introduction, but fingers crossed.

5: person on the cover7️⃣

This was the easiest pick from the list! Before I explain, I want to say that for me, it had to be actual people on the cover, not animated ones, since it would be way easier that way (though maybe that can be another prompt). After posting my March and Spring TBR, I feel like I have mentioned a lot me wanting to finish this series, and I only have this book left, so let’s go! I will finally discover the truth with Seven Minutes in Heaven.

6: 2024 release🏎️

A lot of great books have already been released, but I decided to choose an ARC to help me out a bit. Cross the Line is the first in a new F1 romance series, and like I have mentioned, my family has always enjoyed watching F1, and I am intrigued about a romance involving this sport, since it is not such a common one to read about, at least not until now.

7: Color spin: Orient red (#B32428)♟️

Like I said in the previous monthly TBR, from now on I will be choosing my last prompt with a color generator. I found one I really like because instead of giving you a general color, like red in this case, it is more specific, and that will make it more interesting. However, if one month I do not have options for that particular varient, I will go for the generic one. Having said that, the cover for The Final Gambit does look like it fits for #B32428, right? I have also realized that it is a very similar tone than Seven Minutes in Heaven.


I wanted to add lighter books to make it more achievable, but it is what it is. I also need to remind myself that even if I pick 7 prompts, my goal is not actually that, and I feel like I fail if I do not. I think I might alternate my non-fantasy reads with fantasy ones, so I have a good balance.

I liked what I did with the YA prompt, and I am wondering whether I can make it a thing like I have done with the color spin prompt but use different genres. Get a wheel to select a genre and then check Goodreads category. I could also do it with tropes, but I need to research on that.





  • 1 new-to-me author: Simone Soltani (her debut novel)
  • 2 ARCs: Cross the Line (2024 release) and Of Princes and Promises (old arc)
  • 2 owned books: Wither and The Young Elites
  • No buddy reads planned

What are you going ro read in April? Have you read any of the books I have mentioned? I’d love to know your thoughts.

Posted in TBR

My Spring TBR

I meant to post this for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday but my schedule did not allow me, but I thought to post it either way because I love reading and looking at everyone’s TBRs. Even if spring is starting now, I will be talking about books that I want to read between April and June, to make it easier to control.

I will be inclusing a little explanation for every book but most of these are either ARCs or books/series in my 24 books in 2024 list.


I’ve been meaning to read OUABH since before it came out, and after my recent Caraval reread, I am both intrigued and excited to finally pick it up. The Young Elites is a trilogy that I own, and I have read other books by the author that I’ve liked, plus I remember a lot of readers saying the main character is quite dark, so I am curious. As a bonus, I am always interested in characters with abilities.


Since they’re ARCs, it is quite obvious why I want to read them. The first one is the first in a F1 romance series and it has diverse rep. Growing up, I watched a lot of F1 because my family likes it, so I am curious about that world, especially since it has been gaining popularity lately. For the second book, I mainly looked at the author’s, since I’ve read 6 of her other books, so I was interested in reading a romance by her. Lastly, I know that the book has been out for a couple of years, but it’s in my backlog and I’d like to get to it.


Probably most of the books in the list include romance, but these 3 are more focused on that. The Cheat Sheet is a book I couldn’t read in February and I’d like to get to soon, since I want to read the author’s other books as well. That is what I am doing with Ashley Poston and why I chose The Dead Romantics. I finished her Once Upon a Con trilogy last month and now I am moving to her newer titles. If You Could See the Sun is a similar story to Sarah Adams’ books, because I’d also like to read all the books the auhor has out, and I decided to do so in release order. I should have read it in March, but work and uni got in the way and I don’t think I will be able to.


One series I need to continue, the other I need to finish, though ideally I would be finishing both soon. Not much to say, I started The Inheritance Games this year and I have had fun reading the series so far, so I wanted to continue. I started The Lying Game a couple years ago and I decided to finish the series this year and maybe move to some of her most popular series. I am currently reading the fifth one, and I hope I can finish it before the end of the month.

💬Manga and webtoons💬

I decided to add another section to hold myself accountable, though I know I can get to three of these with no problems. My goal is to finish both True Beauty (I’m so close, maybe I can even do it in March) and Fruits Basket, get caught up with all the volumes I have available of Spy x Family, continue A Business Proposal (ideally finish it as well, but I am not so sure about that) and restart Ouran High School Host Club. I can do that, right?

Here you have it! Is it realistic? I am not sure (especially since I am using a TBR Jar to pick my reads), but I will try my best. Are any of them in your list as well?